martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

3.¿Qué entiende por Web 2.0?

11 comentarios:

  1. web 2.0 is the new kind of web pages that we use to share opinions, pictures and things like that I think one of the most famous webs 2.0 are Facebook and also Twitter.

  2. They are web pages to upload information of any kind

  3. Web 2.0 is the transition from the traditional web pages to more dynamics pages, emphasizing the ineraction between their users.
    Some examples are blogs and wikis.

  4. web 2.0 is the interactive pages where we use to see pictures, write your opinions,talk with people on line. for example facebook.

  5. Web 2.0 is the new era of communication. Easy to understand and time saving. In this category we can find Blogs like wordpress, Photoblogs like Flickr.


  6. Web 2.0 is a kind of page to share any kind of information, like pictures, videos, etc, eg. facebook.

    Daniela Rocha

  7. is a new generation of the web pages

  8. web 2.0 is website update

  9. Web 2.0 is the kind of web pages that we can use to share opinions, pictures and other stuff, like my space, facebook and so on.
